The Atlas of Kant's Legacy
Novum Design Award
Digital Art and Graphic Design Category

Project Title
The Atlas of Kant's Legacy
Project Function
Poster, Research
Project Location
Project Tags
Information Design, Digital Humanities
Office Name
Team Members
Valerio Pellegrini, DensityDesign, Luca Valzesi, Nicola Patruno
Office Link
Valerio Pellegrini
Project Description
The streamgraph shown on this page represents the evolution of Kantian lexicon throughout his philosophical publications.
A hundred of the most important words, of the Kant's philosophical doctrine, have been inserted in a tool that has mapped their recurrence in each of his works, going from 1747 to 1803.
The result is an atlas of “Kant's legacy” (quoting the philosopher's words) where the thickness of the streams stands for the frequency of each term. Proceeding along the time line, some words are born while others die out (represented in light grey). At a glance, a viewer can rediscover the literary path of one of the greatest philosophical thinkers in history, also considered the founder of contemporary thought. Furthermore, the length of each work is depicted through the diameter of the circles at the top of the chart. A feature that allows a more thorough data interpretation.
These streams, whose reliability is guaranteed by the most important German digital source ( might bring the new generation of scholars closer to Kant and inspire those experts who had already tried to give a structure to Kant's thought.
Project Link
Image Credits
Valerio Pellegrini

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